Member Profiles

Each member has their own profile page which says a bit about themselves and their activity on FrontierNav.

Access your profile

You can access your profile by clicking your account details along the bottom of the Navigation Drawer. Depending on where you are, you will see a different page:

  • Accessing your profile from FrontierNav's home will open your full profile.

  • Accessing your profile from a wiki page will open your wiki profile.

Access other user profiles

You can access other people's profiles by clicking their name. Like accessing your own profile, which page you see depends on where you are.

Wiki profiles

Unlike full profiles, wiki profiles will only show details specific to that wiki.

Customise your profile

You can customise the avatar, colour and details of your profile from the Settings page.

Questions and Answers

Can I use my own avatar?

Not at the moment. Instead, everyone is given a choice of 360 unique, randomly generated avatars. In short, it's to reduce the moderation burden so that I can focus on building FrontierNav. This approach also keeps avatars distinct and separate from wiki data.

Last updated