Edit Data Tables

Data Tables are the primary interface for editing data.


Data Tables are organised as follows based on the Data Model:

  • Table are Entity Types

  • Rows are Entities

  • Columns are Properties

  • Data are Cells.

  • A Relationship is a Cell under a Relationship Type Column.

General Usage

Use Quick Search to navigate to different Tables and create new ones.

LeftClick a Column Heading to sort the Rows based on that Column.

RightClick a Column Heading to:

  • Rename the Column

  • Delete the Column

RightClick a Row to:

  • Delete the Row

  • Move the Row to another Table.

    • The destination Table must have the same existing Columns.

    • Currently, moving rows with existing relationships is not supported.

    • This is mainly to move Rows in Placeholder tables.

LeftClick any Cell, then CTRL + E to create a new Row.

Mark Multiple Rows

You can mark multiple Rows to perform bulk operations such as removing and filling.

Hold LeftClick + Drag to mark multiple Rows.

LeftClick a Cell, then SHIFT + LeftClick another Cell to mark a range of Rows.

LeftClick a Cell, then CTRL + SHIFT + LeftClick another Cell to unmark a range of Rows.

LeftClick the Row Number Cell to mark/unmark a single Row.

Fill Multiple Cells

To speed up data entry, you can:

  1. Mark multiple Rows (see above)

  2. Select an unmarked Cell

  3. Click "Fill" in the toolbar to update the marked Rows with the value of the selected Cell.

  4. Unmark the Rows if you want to.

Note: The selected Cell cannot be among your marked Rows.

For Relationships, filling will add all of the Relationships from the selected Cell to the marked Rows. It won't remove any Relationships.

If a Relationship already exists, Fill will fail to avoid inconsistent updates. This will result in a partial fill as the Rows before the failure will be updated. Use Rewind Changes to unfill those Rows if you want to.

Drag and Drop Files

Some cells, such as Attachments (Images, Files), support drag-and-drop from your File Manager so you do not need to hunt down files you already have open.

Drag and Drop Files to Multiple Cells

If you want to drag and drop multiple files across multiple rows on the same column to save time, you can. First Mark Multiple Rows then select your files in the same order and drag and drop to the first cell. The order you marked rows and selected files must match.

Last updated